Bokchito teen receives Sheri_’s Commendation Award

  • Bryan County Sheri_ Johnny Christian presents Colton Parker a Sheri_’s Commendation and Parker was also named an honorary sheri_’s deputy for his bravery when encountering a burglar. Photo provided

    Bryan County Sheri_ Johnny Christian presents Colton Parker a Sheri_’s Commendation and Parker was also named an honorary sheri_’s deputy for his bravery when encountering a burglar. Photo provided

    Bryan County Sheri_ Johnny Christian presents Colton Parker a Sheri_’s Commendation and Parker was also named an honorary sheri_’s deputy for his bravery when encountering a burglar. Photo provided

A Bokchito teenager who confronted a burglar received a Sheriff’s Commendation Award and was named an honorary sheriff’s deputy by Sheriff Johnny Christian last week.

Christian said Colton Parker, 17, encountered a man who broke into his home armed with a knife, and later drove a vehicle through the home with the intent to cause him harm.

On May 21, Deputy Kason Krobb was dispatched to a burglary in progress at a house in the Bokchito area.

According to the sheriff’s office, Parker said he awoke to a noise and observed a man, later identified as Brandon Lee Lesley, 57, breaking into his home.

Parker told the deputy that he pointed a firearm at the suspect and told him to leave. The suspect then ran and got into his vehicle and drove through the front of the house where Parker was standing. The suspect then backed out of the house and fled the scene. Parker attempted to follow the suspect but realized a tire was flat and it was later determined it had been slashed.

After a search, deputies arrested Lesley later that day and he was charged with attempted first-degree burglary, assault with a dangerous weapon and malicious injury to property. He also was charged with second- degree burglary for breaking into a shop building on Buffalo Hill Road, according to the sheriff’s office.

“In the face of this terrifying situation, Colton demonstrated exceptional courage and composure, taking decisive action to protect himself and others,” Christian wrote, in the commendation. “It is with great honor and respect that we commend Colton Parker, a courageous and quick-thinking young man and citizen of Bryan County, for his extraordinary bravery and presence of mind in the face of extreme danger.”

According to Christian, Parker’s quick thinking and fearless actions not only saved his own life but also prevented additional harm to his family and the property.

“His bravery in the face of such a dangerous threat is a testament to his strength of character and unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of those around him,” the commendation states. “Therefore, on behalf of the Bryan County Sheriff’s Office, we proudly present this Sheriff’s Commendation to Colton Parker in recognition of his exceptional bravery, selflessness, and heroism in the face of adversity. Colton’s actions serve as an inspiration to us all and a shining example of the true meaning of courage.”